What is Search Engine Submission in SEO?

Search Engine Submission in SEO is the promotional tool that helps a webmaster to upload his website on any search engine Optimization. It helps to rank the website in any search engine’s index. Have you ever seen the index of the Google search engine? When you type some keywords in the search bar you will see this suggestion which appears below the search box.

These suggestions are generally indexSo, what exactly is an index? The use of an index is for retrieving specific information and content to the user. Also, this information can be in the form of pictures, documents, graphics, audios, videos, pages, blogs, application and many more. The index looks for relevant data and provides it to the user.

The most popular page in an index is the topmost of suggestion. And, these websites are popular enough to get the first rank in search engines. So, why these websites appear first? How do they get in that first place? How Google or any search engines get the notice of these websites first place?

The answer is ‘search engine submission’.

How to do search engine submission

Now, how to do search engine submission

  1. It is a promotional tool. And, the usage of search engine submission is to advertise the website. It also helps webmasters (it is the term for those who have their websites) to increase their website’s ranking in search engine.
  2. Search engine submission is used for supplying URL (Uniform Resource Locater which generally starts as http//:something.com) to search engine to make it aware of any size or pages.

There is also a term called crawler which is related to Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Submission.

The ‘crawler’ is nothing but links which helps to user’s search for finding information related to his keywords. How it is related to Search Engine submission? Basically when a webmaster put his content i.e. information, pictures, and other things on his website; he put some linking words or keywords to popular his webpage in Search Engine.

When the submission is done the key links get activated and help the Search engine to find his page among various index and choices. This whole thing happened in Crawling process of Search Engine Optimization.

Some information about SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

As we all know what is it and how it works but when you are working practically it is quite difficult to do. After submission of the site, you need to constantly update your website for better index ranking. For example,

If you are a journalist or you own a media house you need to update constantly about news, trending stories, and images on your site. It also has some techniques for doing this. Design your headlines according to the suitability of content. Content sorting should be there. All these things help to design a better site and also the ranking of websites improves.

These are some websites which work free for Search Engine Submission.

Gigs Blast: http://www.gigablast.com/addurl

InfoTiger: -http://www.infotiger.com/addurl.html

Yandex: https://wpism.com/add-website-yandex-webmaster-tools/


Baidu: http://zhanzhang.baidu.com/sitesubmit/index

Yahoo! Search: https://search.yahoo.com/info/submit.html

Dmoz: http://www.dmoz.org/

Sogou: http://www.add-url.fr/submit-url-to-sogou.html

Exalead: http://www.exalead.fr/search/web/submit/


ScrubTheWeb: http://www.scrubtheweb.com/addurl.html

EntireWeb: http://www.entireweb.com/free_submission/

Official: http://www.official.my/addurl.php

ExactSeek http://www.exactseek.com/add.html

Bulk Search Engine Submission

It is a service which specifically works for Search Engine Submission. bulklink.org/ – It is a website for free submissions.

How does it work?

You just have to visit the given website and enter your URL in the box.

Then you have to select the search engines which you want to see your site.

Then choose the ‘ping’ option.

Both have an option called ‘select all’

After this click ‘submit URL’

And, the work is over.

A quick tip: read the terms and conditions and information which are present on the site.

Google search engine submission and how does it work?

Google search console is mainly for search engine submission. There are guidelines in the process. So, the Google console is mostly used for submission by many webmasters. There are some things like sitemap, Googlebot which seems like big technical words but they are the ones who make handling easier.

Sitemap means what?

Web designers use them to design websites. These sitemaps also act as helpers to find information and content. It also informs the webmaster about different sites. It also gives basic information about sites.

What is Googlebot?

Google is a big set of search engines where a user can search whatever he wants. It has access to all websites, documents, and many more things. Also, Google has a large number of crawlers that are connected. These are called ‘Googlebot’.


Googlebot works just like crawlers it uses sitemaps and links them in the index. Whenever it finds a new link it sends to the index. That is how it works if someone put the website of food photography in google console; Googlebot automatically links it in its index.

These are methods to achieve a successful website submission.

  1. Go to Google. Sign in to your account.
  2. then search for webmaster tool (https://www.google.com/webmaster/tool/)
  3. the dialogue box will open. Select add site then create your domain, add information and content.
  4. verify your website.
  5. add a sitemap and submit it.
  6. test your URL.

Website submission on MSN/Bing

  1. Go to the search engine of Bing.
  2. Type https://bing.com/docs/submit.aspx
  3. Type your URL.
  4. Your work is done!

What is the difference between Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Submission?

After all this information major confusion appears to be what is the difference between search engine optimization and search engine submission?

The major difference between the two of them that Search engine optimization is used for making websites rank higher. So, just like the name itself says, website optimizing is done by SEO.

On the other hand Search engine submission works as a marketing tool for URL’s higher rank. It may come in paid or free services. So this is a difference which will clear any misconception about these two.

In the end, all we just have to remind that search engine submission is the tool that helps the website to get a higher rank, publicity, fame and better circulation of websites and SEO helps the website to achieve its desired position.

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